This Memorial Day is not the same-- there is no parade, nor marching band, the city will not gather in the cemetery together for a ceremony of honor and remembrance, and there will be fewer hugs and f... ...more
Family History ,Family &Military
June 27, 2024•3 min read
Our father is our first role model, first advisor and for many daughters (definitely true for me) the first man we love. ...more
Family ,Advice
June 16, 2024•5 min read
Our mother is our first comforter, healer, cheerleader, protector and teacher. We learn from her before we are even aware we are doing so, by observing and absorbing. ...more
Family History ,Family
June 12, 2024•4 min read
I am remembering my grandfathers and uncle who served in the Navy, for my uncle and aunt who served in the Air Force, but I don’t know much of their military history. ...more
Family History ,Family &Military
May 27, 2024•2 min read
©2024 Jennifer Burchill